Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Get Your Mom To Give You Diper Punishment

Sympathy for the Devil.

Through on this blog are born very diverse friendships with people who, although not necessarily shared my tastes or my ideas, have the same approach to literature and literary criticism. Of those, Juan Asensio , the owner of sulfuric Stalker, dissecting the body of literature . Sulfuric, yes, because let me tell you now: Juan Asensio would the Devil ...

mere mortal, I am seduced by the Father of Lies who was able to match the appearance of a passionate and that of a courteous man and smiling when we met in a Parisian brasserie to talk about our work, while emptying a few glasses of wine. Satan is vicious to charm me, I did, that day, a few books now. It also cultivates the irony: among these books, there were The Secret of evil Roberto Bolaño . It must be said that the Chilean is one of the few authors with Sábato , Canetti, McCarthy and a few others that we both enjoy, because, because of its ideas and its commitments, el diabolo devoted primarily to writers who, because of mine, does not interest me and in fact I never took the time to read, such as Boutang Pierre, Georges Bernanos or Leon Bloy .
As the new millennium, the Devil service abroad distinction of being Catholic and right and I, a poor leftist atheist, have succumbed to its attraction. I am not, alas, not alone because my friend François Monti (but al'excuse be Belgian) is another victim of that individual evil. This led us to accept the invitation of Juan Asensio to converse on a subject that unites all three: the literature. For weeks, we have freely expressed our points of agreement and disagreement, and despite the shortcomings related to the difficulty of this exercise, we were pleased to have such a dialogue feed .

But one issue not with impunity with the Devil and the publication of this interview has aroused so much controversy that I wish now that things have calmed down, out of my usual reserve.

With Francis Monti and other fellow bloggers, we created a literary website, the Fric-Frac Club . I was the only one to keep my blog, the others having decided to devote himself completely to this new platform. When our conversation was finished, it has seemed self-evident that, given its magnitude, it should be serialized in each of our sites, Stalker, Bartleby eyes open and Fric-Frac Club . Yes, but ... a site can safely accommodate a person as beyond the pale that Juan Asensio ? Some of my comrades FFC - which are always and that I do not blame, at least not too hard - first voiced their misgivings about it then, under the pretext of the futility of connection that we wanted, refused publication. I was shocked and dismayed. François Monti well. Juan Asensio more and yet there is always a link (and those links are not many) on Stalker to FFC, which meant if tolerance is not always the side that is believes. [1] François Monti has re-opened his blog, Tabula Rasa and maintenance was finally released, his rhetoric is so little of interest that Magazine Books asked us permission to reproduce on its website ( HERE ).
But that's nothing.
As I do all my items, I announced and posted on my Facebook page episodes of this interview. There was immediately a staggering surge in bad faith, hatred and contempt. Some of my readers who, in friendship, relayed the information in this publication have immediately lost "friends" and myself have lost a number, for most writers and editors connected and anti-Germanopratins (yet more Germanopratins that said Germanopratins) which, followed by a swarm of parasites, not out in packs in the Neighborhood Latin - pffff! they are not snobs! - But at Bastille or Oberkampf, main reservations bobos in Paris ... One of them even wrote to a friend before removing it from its list had nothing against her, but that ostracism was a "political act" . The beautiful commitment and courage that's beautiful ... The bourgeoisie - but it is not enough to have read Flaubert , it must be understood - is not a question of neighborhood, income or "look", it lies in adherence to moral principles purportedly in the gregariousness, in short, in conformity. The bourgeois is well-meaning.

This is obviously not the childishness of these defriendlisations (yes, I know ...) that shocked me, but rather the fact that some people, friends and anonymous, I was violently criticized myself down dialogue with the Devil and have thus questioned my integrity. The height was achieved when a person did not know existed wrote me to tell me she was on trial with Juan Asensio and that my name being associated with his, I might be worried because presentation to a portion of the interview in which Juan Asensio on Stalker , took them to third, also involved in this case ... I can not, alas, reproduce any part of this mail, the stranger in question like me threatened legal action if I were to do so and, given its litigious spirit, I have the cowardice to be careful. [2]
Juan Asensio Why is there evil? Because being a Catholic intellectual right, it is left for some well-meaning, necessarily fascist. Fascism is, moreover, a contagious disease and one who speaks to a fascist himself is about to become, it is a rhinoceros who does not know yet .

What is a fascist? Strictly speaking, it is one that adheres to a political doctrine advocating totalitarianism, the cult leader, a nationalism and the establishment of a police-state to ensure the physical safety and welfare of the people voluntarily submitted. In the modern sense, fascist and racist is unparliamentary. Admitting that I could be a bad player Stalker, I asked my detractors pointed out to me the slightest trace of fascism in one of his texts and, of course, none of them did ... We was telling myself that "it felt" that "was diffuse" while it was still very mysterious and for good reason: Juan Asensio is a reactionary critic, polemicist, outspoken, sometimes outrageous, but not as a fascist and that words have meaning, a fascist and reactionary are two different things. In
Literature without stomach , Pierre Jourde denounces trial of intent made Michel Houellebecq . No books Houellebecq does make it a sympathizer of the far right. I denounce the same facts for trial today because I am a democrat and a humanist. Juan Asensio Is it fascist? I do not know, I do not think so, and nothing in his writings, in our correspondence does not allow me to and so infer that nothing will allow me to do, I will continue to dialogue with him.

Where do I come? This saddens me deeply is that individuals who advocate tolerance, respect for others, critical thinking, freedom of thought can go against their principles based on vague suspicions, as if they needed to demonize a man to feel alive through their little indignation. No sooner have they found someone to hate they turn themselves in people intolerant, disrespectful, opinionated fools advocating censorship anathema to anyone who does not adhere to dogma-righteous, which is a fascist attitude paradoxically well. I hate these allegedly moral principles in whose name we judge peremptorily, without knowledge, without arguing. Intelligence is the only quality I asked a friend and I always prefer a reactionary fool intelligent left. Those gentlemen who consider my friendship with Juan Asensio as infamous make me pleased and honored to be no longer my friends.

[1] It reminds me a little story. If Claro has, I believe, make Juan Asensio , it has repeatedly targeted his work. Juan Asensio knows that this is one of our disagreements, the work of translator, editor and writer Claro me pretend to be more interesting (see Here ). Now on Facebook has existed for some time an anti- Claro. Noticing the name of Juan Asensio among the members, I wrote him a few days later to tell him my astonishment. Create a group against a person to me already seems unworthy of a schoolboy, but when it comes to adults, I feel the greatest disgust. Juan Asensio replied that he had already left the group, there was joined because he believed it would be a forum for debate and not argued that this group was a bunch of gratuitous attacks as foolish. The henchman of evil loves debate, amazing, no? [2] The chance that Pierre Jourde recently wrote an article on his blog about the case Asensio : HERE.

Illustration: Auguste Rodin, The Gates of Hell .


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